Olcott 2013:

2013 Olcott Beach Classic Car Show2013 Olcott Beach Classic Car Show Information

The Time Travelers of WNY, Inc. presents the 24th Annual Olcott Beach Car Show on August 31st, 2013.

Located in a shaded park, on the shores of Lake Ontario, the Olcott Beach Classic Car Show has grown into one of the largest outdoor car events in Western New York.

Ronald McDonald House is the dedicated charity of the Time Travelers of WNY.  We have since sponsored and decorated a room at RMH, attended and volunteered for various programs throughout the year at RMH, and have donated substantial portions of the Olcott Beach Classic Car Show proceeds for many years.

On the day of the show, the park opens at 8:00 a.m. for registration. We are limiting the number of vehicles in the park to 1,000.  There is no pre-registration. Please note – no cars are allowed in the park prior to our opening up the gate.  No tents will be allowed in the park.  Admission for spectators is free.

While you’re in line, you will be given a release form to sign, and an application.  You will also be given a Time Travelers pen/marker. Give the signed release form and $l5.00 to our volunteers wearing a green vest.

After you park, fill out the application and take it to the pavilion to register and get your window card.  Use the marker end of the pen to fill out your window card.  At registration you will get a dash plaque and poster.

This year, we have the added attraction of Dennis Gage from the Speed Channel.  He will be at our show filming for a future episode for “My Classic Car”.

My Classic Car with Dennis Gage

Come early and enjoy the day.  There will be food vendors and crafters in the park. While at the show, participants and spectators alike get to enjoy the endless view of classic automobiles and street rods, and of course . . . classic rock and roll.

At the main pavilion we will be selling 50/50 tickets and show t-shirts.  T-shirts will be available in all adult sizes.  We will also have child size large available. 

Be sure to check out the large variety of items for our basket raffle.  The ladies on the Basket Committee have been working hard to make this the best basket raffle ever!

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